I don't really care for the how's or why's of cellulite. What I can say for sure is that Cellulite is fat. So i can assume to not exacerbate my cellulite levels I should exclude fat, high carb and high sugar from my diet.
To target cellulite areas, hips, butt, back of thighs anaerobic exercises are proven to work.
squats: stand up straight, feet comfortable distance apart, and move your butt back to sit down, weight is on the heels, until your knees are at a 90 degree angle, then come back up. Do it slowly, feel the muscles in your butt and thighs working. You do it until it burns. Until your thighs shake.
lunges: I am the lunge queen. My lunges look so good. I do 60 walking lunges almost everyday. They are easy. Walk one foot out and directly go into a lunge, dip low, both knees will be at a 90 degree angle, then push yourself up with your legs and walk your next foot out. Do thirty paces out and back, you can do more sets if you are strong. It will feel like your entire thigh is tightening, like hands are gripping it all the way around and tightly wringing it. It feels awesome.
wall sits: against a wall act like you are sitting in an imaginary chair stay in that position until your thighs are shaking and you feel like you are going to fall. Oof. Then you can have contests with your friends to see who can stay up the longest. This is something you get good at really fast.
There are more exercises like Leg curls or plies that are effective and might be your favorite. http://www.sparkpeople.com/ has great butt and ab workouts. If you get more advanced check out Zuzana on http://www.bodyrock.tv/. She can teach you how to become a ninja ass-ass-in.
I also feel like the area on the backs of my thighs and knees get's constipated and needs to be massaged and stretched. I will scrub with a dry brush before I shower or an exfoliating mit inside the shower. Get the blood moving to that area. Blood removes toxins in your skin. Once out of the shower massage your thighs to create a general warmth and softness to your muscles. You can also have a partner do it, or pay for one. I have never had a satisfying thigh massage from a partner, either they press too hard or get sexual. I prefer to do it myself or pay a female professional.
Surgical Methods for cellulite removal please see http://www.realself.com/ great forum for all questions about doctor administered treatments, please be fervent with exercise, massage, and diet before attempting an invasive procedure:
Liposuction /Smart Lipo: Liposuction sucks fat cells from the body, Smart Lipo uses a laser to liquify the fats first and claims to have less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.
Liposuction /Smart Lipo: Liposuction sucks fat cells from the body, Smart Lipo uses a laser to liquify the fats first and claims to have less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.
Mesotherapy/ Lipodissolve: both of these are injectables that breakdown fat and your body carries it away and excretes it.
Velasmooth/Velashape: Using a vacuum, infrared light, and radiowaves Velashape feels like a massage and is liquifying fat in the thighs. The results are great but not permanent. You must maintain once every 3 months
Cellulite can be beautiful, but it all depends on your point of view. Maybe you've got a dimpled bottom and you flaunt it. good for you. Don't let anyone else tell you what is or is not beautiful on YOUR body. Good Luck with whatever you do!